
Radical 140

Radical 140 or radical grass meaning "grass" is one of 29 of the 214 Kangxi radicals that are composed of 6 strokes. It transforms into 艹 when appearing at the top of a character or component. Wikipedia
Cantonese Yale: chóu
Japanese Kana: ソウ sō (on'yomi); くさ kusa (kun'yomi)
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For pronunciation and definitions of 艸 – see 草 (“herbaceous plant; herb; weed; wort; grass; forb; Used in names of some woody plants; etc.”). (This character ...
“艸” (草)是草本植物的總稱。《説文》: “艸,百卉也。” 艸字後來只作部首,俗稱“草字頭” 。而“草” 字原本指一種叫作“麻櫟” 的喬木的子實。可以用來染黑色(黑古稱皂色。皂 ...
《唐韻》采老切《正韻》采早切,𠀤音草。百卉也。《儀禮·士相見禮》在野則曰艸茅之臣。《說文》从二屮。凡艸之屬皆从艸。《廣韻》艸,篆文。隷變作艹。《集韻》直列切,音 ...
艸: ㄘㄠ ; 艸 [艸部-0畫-共6畫] · ㄘㄠ · cǎo · 名. 草本植物的總稱。同「草」。《說文解字. 艸 部》:「 艸 ,百芔也。」 二一四部首之一。
【唐韻】采老切【正韻】采早切, 𠀤音草。百卉也。【儀禮·士相見禮】在野則曰艸茅之臣。【說文】从二屮。凡艸之屬皆从艸。【廣韻】艸,篆文。隷變作艹。 【集韻】直列切, ...
Radical 140 or radical grass (艸部) meaning "grass" is one of 29 of the 214 Kangxi radicals that are composed of 6 strokes. It transforms into 艹 when ...
康熙字典: 《康熙字典·艸部·六》荎:《唐韻》直尼切《集韻》陳尼切,𠀤音治。《爾雅·釋草》菋,荎蕏。《註》荎蕏,五味子。《本草註》《抱朴子》云:五味者五行之精, ...
「艸」即草木之「草」的本字。在甲骨文中用為時間名詞,陳劍認為假借為「早」,宋華強認為假借為「朝」。《合集》4769正:「今[屮口](早/朝)」,表示「今早」或「今朝」 ...